What My Therapist Told Me About Having “Ambition” And “Potential”
We apply the meaning that we want to these words without realizing how limiting it can be
I think we all seem to have different understandings for common sense. What may be obvious for some is clearly not obvious to others. I’ve learned that the hard way through my experiences. Only when someone repeats certain advise, you may be like “yeah, you know what, I knew that and I don’t know why I didn’t entertain that idea earlier.”
For instance, today at my therapy appointment, I told my therapist I didn’t feel “ambitious” enough and that I felt like I had “potential” but couldn’t reach it. And while some may not agree with her wording of it, she told me that those words really mean nothing. The definitions of those words are rather ambiguous and we only feel frustrated with ourselves when we don’t achieve what we want to. What matters most is the action we take from them.
I do believe that’s true because those words heavily rely on what we define them to be as well as how much self worth we put in them. I hated that I lacked ambition but that just means I’m not working with a system that’s beneficial to me. I like to see things as a bigger picture and seeing the end goal but I don’t like taking the tiny steps daily. I’m not…