The Death of a Friendship
There’s nothing that really prepares you to mourn a friendship lost
3 min readAug 14, 2024
I didn’t think going through certain life changes meant losing friends. If anything change usually strengthens friendship but I’ve observed the contrary.
I think the thing that stings the most is that friendships are harder to form as you grow.
The Different Times You’ll Lose Friendships From My Experience:
- When you leave high school. Most of us form our friendships in school and carry them moving forward is a difficult one unless you truly make the effort. This also wholly depends on where you plan on going after you graduate.
- When you begin a romantic relationship. I won’t say after college because usually you do form lifelong friendships or you don’t there. I feel like there is no in between because you’re already at a certain juncture in your life where not much can change it. Relationships on the other hand, I believe affects friendships. Now when it comes to romantic relationships, people will either become completely enveloped in their new relationship or people will just have different priorities and drift away.
- The biggest change I’ve found in the loss of friendships was after having a child. Now I know having a child is ultimately a choice and it…