I’m Not Going to Entertain Articles That Promise Wealth in 2023

It’s easy to fall into your feed being dominated by content that promises wealth when you’re not coming from a financially well off background

Annie Hussain Sloan
3 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by Igal Ness on Unsplash

If you were to look at my Medium Daily Digest, a lot of it is about how to make a sustainable source of income through freelancing or posting ever so frequently. And I’m a sucker for those things.

In theory it seems like an easy formula:

Post more frequently + comment on people’s posts eventually that’ll equal some sort of income.

And that formula does work relatively well in a lot of ways. But I want to focus my 2023 on producing content that other people truly enjoy to read in their free time. Kind of like Tracey Folly’s content is lighthearted and just overall really fun to read.

The other goal of 2023 is to not give into disaster p*rn, like yeah, the world sucks A LOT, but for the sake of my mental sanity, I’m going to give it a little bit of a rest and try to better the world around me. Thing is every news outlet has made it a point to one-up one another in what sucks more because people have a negativity bias and they’d much rather hear about the most depressing thing rather than the good that’s…



Annie Hussain Sloan

Content Creating Blogger from NYC→Love | Mental Health |NYC | Find Me On IG→ bit.ly/3I9qtIm | writingandjoy@gmail.com